Thursday, November 25, 2010

Sitting in a library is an inspiring thing, really.

Ah yes, the library. An interesting zone in which to watch social behaviour. It is also a place sacred to many.

I suggest you watch the following. really.

 I picked up a law book in the uni bookshop the other day...99e. *sigh* not a chance for the one dearies. Hence, i am anseo in the libe (my random shorthand dont question it) sitting, watching, observing, sucking water out of my aldi bottle, pages everywhere,  and yet, even with a 2,000 word essay due tomorrow for English, i am quite content to relax in the company of books and stressed others, panicked whispers, guiding hands and reassuring smiles. Its a micro-universe. One feels incredibly out of place if you cant fine a plug, walking up and down like a complete idiot trying to make it look like your just getting a seat, looking for a book, perhaps.... 

edit: ah im back. home now, still nothing done (16.36). a bit depressing really that.

Lets Lynch Mob the Librarian: Part 1

Footfall treads along the carpet
Stamping new paths along the floor
Tap tap tap tap spacebar tap tap
Someone sighs and frowns
Crinkle over brow

Hands self-moisturise between the fingers
As pages leap or stand stagnant stupidly
Bold type, italic, underline
Frustrated pens can’t think on time
Tracing stars, circles, loop-the-loop
Anything else than follow the book

Information is contained within the walls
Then within the bindings
Where the chapter falls
Text is in another language
Its called understanding
And none of us have it
If one needs reminding

Phones silent or zzz zzz in pockets
Water guzzled, paper crunched
And sun shines in on us
Its too hot and too cold
We need fresh air
Not in here, no out there
At this stage I really couldn’t care

Cigarettes are pulled, puffed, pledged and savoured
Then back in footsteps troop
To that desk of dread: expansive
The plug now where is it gone?
The battery caught fever
We might as well go for vanilla latte
You have nothing done either. 

>>>>>>> only i should edit that to say 4am :D

1 comment:

  1. poem dedicated to my sco/law/eng partner in crime
